scOrange Blog

Author: Iva Černoša, Mar 29, 2019

Clustering Cells in Mouse Pancreas

To reproduce a part of a study by Baron et al. (Cell Systems, 2016), we cluster mouse pancreatic cells and identify marker genes for each type of the cells.

Author: Martin Stražar, Nov 23, 2018

Exploring the Fruit Fly Olfactory System

Explore different subsets of cells and related them to known biological processes.

Author: Ajda Pretnar, Oct 4, 2018

Cell Clustering and Cluster Analysis

Discovering new marker genes is a core step in the analysis of single-cell sequencing data. Use Louvain clustering to find cell populations and visualize the cell landscape in a t-SNE projection. Examine the contents of each cluster by finding differentially expressed genes and their related functions according to the Gene Ontology database.

Author: Ajda Pretnar, Oct 3, 2018

Exploring cell populations with t-SNE

Single-cell RNA sequencing protocols enable measuring the transcriptome on a single-cell resolution. We explore the different cell types in a blood sample by a integrating existing knowledge on known marker genes and a t-SNE visualization, focusing on interactive exploration of data.