scOrange Blog
- clustering
- t-sne
- marker-genes
- tsne
- annotator
- data-mining
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- embryo
- genomics
- markers
Author: Iva Černoša, Aug 5, 2019
Automatic Cell Type Annotation
Learn how to effortlessly group and identify cell types in your dataset with a new widget: the Annotator as demonstrated here on the data from human pancreas (Baron et al., Cell Syst 2016).
Author: Iva Černoša, Jun 6, 2019
Identification of Cell Populations in Healthy Bone Marrow
We identify cell populations in a dataset of healthy human bone marrow cells from Galen et al. (Cell, 2019) and take a look at the putative cell differentiation trajectories.
Author: Iva Černoša, Apr 23, 2019
Subsets of Exhausted CD8+ T Cells
We reproduce a part of the study by Miller et al. (Nature Immunology, 2019) through identifying subsets of exhausted CD8+ T cells during chronic viral infections and corresponding groups in T cells isolated from tumours
Author: Iva Černoša, Apr 1, 2019
Importing and Using Your Own Marker Genes
If you ever felt limited by the Marker Gene widget, here you can discover how to bypass it by importing your own marker genes and using them to score your dataset