Single Cell Analysis for Everyone

Empowering researchers and clinicians to gain insights from single cell experiments with interactive data visualization and easy to use but powerful machine learning methods to classify and model single cell data.

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Aug 19, 2019

Learn how to quickly embed new cells onto an existing tSNE projection using the new widget the Annotator Read more >

Aug 5, 2019

Learn how to effortlessly group and identify cell types in your dataset with a new widget: the Annotator. Read more >

Jul 28, 2019

Identify the genes affiliated with osteoarthritis progression in the cartilage data gathered by Ji Q et al. (Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2019) Read more >

Explore the Diversity of Cells Within Your Sample

Load data from any platform and filter outlier cells. Normalize expression values across samples and platforms. Identify and explore sub-populations with a sample and across multiple samples.

Discover New Marker Genes that Distinguish Cell Types

Identify signature genes for each subpopulation using multiple methods. Use gene ontology enrichment to explore the biological meaning and identify cell types.

Predict New Cell Types Based on Marker Genes

Build classifiers to identify the cell type of each subpopulation. Use classifier on new data samples to predict cell types and focus on interesting cell type populations.